Terms and Conditions

All content on the page in the subpages of the www.fitbackeurope.eu website is copyrighted. The website (with all its subpages) is only for the last users when using the information. After using the websites (browsing, obtaining information, using applications, etc.), you are deemed to agree to the general terms and conditions of business you visit on this site. If you do not agree with the general terms and conditions, it is considered that you may not use the websites (browsing, obtaining information, purchasing, etc.). We reserve the right to change the general terms and conditions when they were in the previous notices. All changes take effect immediately after the change. The version information available on this site is provided in the general terms and conditions.

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport , which manages the website www.fitbackeurope.eu, respects your privacy and undertakes to carefully protect personal data obtained through the online information system www.fitbackeurope.eu and will not provide it without your consent. to a third party or use them for other purposes. As there are certain links in the online information system www.fitbackeurope.eu to other, external websites that are not directly linked to the company, we do not assume any responsibility for the protection of data on these websites.

University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport undertakes to protect the data and privacy of visitors to the website www.fitbackeurope.eu to the best of its ability.

In order to prevent unauthorized access to or disclosure of the data obtained, to maintain the accuracy of personal data and to ensure their proper use, we use appropriate technical and organizational procedures to secure the data we collect. University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport cannot rule out possible misuse of data, as the Internet is an unpredictable medium, despite security measures and security communication protocols.



The design of the website and all its contents, unless otherwise stated, are protected by copyright, industrial and intellectual property rights. You may use the program code, information, text, images, or other graphic elements found on this website solely for your personal, non-commercial use, by which we understand viewing, and may not use it, in whole or in part, reproduce, modify, transmit, approve or publish in whole or in part, distribute, license or publish in the form of publications for any purpose without the prior written permission of the administrator and / or owner of the website.


Personal data protection


The administrator of the website is a company or individual who is also the owner of the website and independently or in cooperation with external contractors takes care of the proper functioning of the website.
The administrator or maintainer of the website is a company or individual who is authorized by the administrator of the website to maintain, change, supplement the website and carry them out according to the instructions of the administrator.
Personal data means any information relating to an identified or identifiable individual (hereinafter referred to as the data subject). An identifiable individual is one who can be identified directly or indirectly, in particular by providing an identifier such as name, address, location information or other.
Data processing means any act or set of actions carried out in relation to personal data or sets of personal data with or without automated means, such as collecting, recording, editing, structuring, storing, adapting or modifying, retrieving, viewing, using, disclosure by brokering, disseminating or otherwise making available, adapting or combining, restricting, deleting or destroying.
Personal data controller means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or any other body which alone or jointly with others determines the purposes and means of processing.
Processor of personal data means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body which processes personal data in the name and on the instructions of the controller.
User of personal data means a natural or legal person, public authority, agency or other body to whom personal data have been disclosed, whether or not he is a third party.


General decision

The site manager will try to ensure the up-to-dateness and accuracy of the data on the site, but does not assume any guarantees as to their accuracy and / or up-to-dateness. The site administrator may also provide photos of products and services that are considered to be symbolic in nature and do not necessarily provide the features of the products and / or services. Published content does not have the character of an official document, except when specifically stated. The administrator reserves the right to change the content of the website at any time and without prior notice for technical, legal, business or other reasons. All content can be changed by the administrator without obligation to inform users and is not responsible for the consequences of changes.
The site administrator ensures that all services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, but does not guarantee that the electronic services will operate without interruption, without problems, errors or errors, nor does it guarantee the success of the use of these services. Any criminal and civil liability for loss of or impaired access to data or any other incidental, consequential, special or consequential damages arising out of the use or possible inability to use the Website, including and without limitation on lost revenue or expected profit, loss of goodwill, is excluded. names, transactions or data, technical errors, errors in prices, delivery times, product descriptions, descriptions of services or malfunctions of the website.
To the extent permitted by law, any liability of the owner, manager or any other legal or natural person who participated in the creation and creation of the www.fitbackeurope.eu website and any other legal or natural person who is in any way connected with the website is excluded.


Protection of personal data

The manager of the www.fitbackeurope.eu website is committed to the correct and secure use of personal data in its operations. Personal data provided by the user via forms on the www.fitbackeurope.eu website or otherwise (by phone, e-mail, etc.) are strictly confidential and are treated as confidential information, so without a legal basis they will not be passed on to unauthorized third parties. persons.
Personal data is not treated as sensitive data.


Consent to the processing and protection of personal data

The user of the www.fitbackeurope.eu website expressly agrees that for the purpose of using the website and providing electronic services, related system management and informing the user, the user's personal data is collected and processed. Only data necessary for the proper performance of services and communication between the manager and / or owner and the users of the website are collected. We reserve the right to use the data obtained in this way and in accordance with the general terms and conditions published on this website, to use all other data continuously and without restrictions for the needs of the administrator, owner or provider, as stated in the general terms and conditions. does not object. Personal data obtained on the website is obtained in a manner consistent with the European Parliament's GDPR regulation, provided that by confirming the general terms and conditions, the user agrees and gives explicit permission to use the provided personal data for further communication between the controller and the user. It is considered that the user is aware of the purpose of personal data processing, the availability of personal data and the possibility of deletion. In particular, the user agrees to the processing of personal data for the purposes of the implementation of contracts and pre-contractual measures, without restrictions. For security purposes, the IP addresses of users who access and use the www.fitbackeurope.eu website are also selected. The internal act on data protection, if it exists, is an integral part of the general conditions and is available at the headquarters of the controller.


Personal consent of the user

The operator provides the possibility of personal consent of the user, where necessary, without a pre-filled confirmation box (in the case of direct contact via e-mail, telephone, on the basis of the website). The personal consent of the user is his voluntary declaration of will that his personal data may be processed for a specific purpose, and is given on the basis of information provided to him by the controller with these general terms and conditions.


Analysis and statistics

Personal data obtained through a visit to the website is not stored or is kept anonymous and as such is not compatible with users. The tool that disposes of this data is Google Analytics, and accordingly, Google LLC is considered to be the data processor to the legally permitted extent. In case the visitor does not agree with this, in accordance with the general conditions, he is prohibited from using the www.fitbackeurope.eu website. The data obtained in this way are not sensitive, and the visitor is warned when visiting the site.


Storage of personal data

The data collected by the site administrator is stored for the needs of the site administrator in accordance with the general conditions. Personal data is stored on the website (as a request) and in case of further communication with the user in other databases of the company (CRM, Software for Commodity Business, Excel). The user may request access to his personal data or data on the processing of his personal data by authorized persons with a written request, which he addresses to the e-mail address of the administrator of the www.fitbackeurope.eu website.


Remote communication

The manager of the www.fitbackeurope.eu website will contact the user by means of distance communication (electronic news, promotions, discounts, etc.) only if the user does not explicitly object to this. As such, electronic commercial messages will be clearly recognizable, the sender will be clearly visible, the conditions for accepting special offers will be unambiguously marked, and at the same time the method of unsubscribing from receiving advertising messages will be clearly presented.


Exceptional disclosure of personal information

The data collected and processed by the administrator of the online www.fitbackeurope.eu will be disclosed only if the applicable legislation or in the event that such action is necessary for proceedings before courts or other state authorities.


Availability of personal data

Personal data is stored on the www.fitbackeurope.eu website in the event of a request and is available to the website manager and administrator. It is considered that the administrator is the controller of personal data and the administrator of the site is the processor. The processor may not and may not use personal data for its own needs and may use them only for the needs of the personal data controller, according to the instructions of the controller. Access to personal data is also provided to roaming providers, who may not access personal data by mutual agreement without the permission of the controller. It is considered that the employees and authorized persons of the administrator and the processor also have access to the legally permitted extent. All these persons are committed to the careful protection of personal data.


Protection of personal data

Personal data is protected and we make sure that unauthorized persons are prevented from accessing it. In the event of a breach of this article, we undertake to inform the user of any unauthorized access to their personal data.


Data protection officer

The responsible person is specified in the internal act on data protection and is disclosed at the request of the user. Due to data protection, it is not published publicly online.


Rights of individuals

The person has the right to inspect the personal data being processed. He also has the right to request correction or supplementation of his personal data as well as deletion of his personal data, without explanation and without cause, which he does by e-mail addressed to the e-mail address info@fitback.org.


Final Provisions

The Website and all subpages are owned and operated by the Company:
University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Sport
Laboratorij za diagnostiko telesnega in gibalnega razvoja
Gortanova 22, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

The General Terms and Conditions shall enter into force on 28 February 2021. All changes and amendments shall enter into force on the day of their publication on the website.

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